الأربعاء، 9 فبراير 2011

Classification of Transformers

Classification of Transformers

according to number of phases :
1- single phase transformer
2- poly phase transformer

according to frequency : 
1- very low frequency transformer
2- audio frequency transformer
3- high frequency transformer
4- IF frequency transformer

 according to turns ratio:
1- stepup transformer
2- stepdown transformer

according to thier function :
1- power transformer
2- distribution transformer
3- voltage transformer
4- current transformer

الأربعاء، 26 يناير 2011

Power Transformer

Transformer is one of the most vital and important electrical machinery. The development of the present day power system is very much attributable to the large number and types of transformer that are in operation in the system, such as, generator transformers, step-up transformers, step-down transformers, interlinking transformers, power transformers & distribution transformers etc. Being a static machine, it is inherently reliable compared to other machines,. Distribution transformers are a important link between the power
Biogas can provide a clean, easily controlled source of renewable energy from organic waste materials for a small labour input, replacing firewoood or fossil fuels (which are becoming more expensive as supply falls behind demand). During the conversion process pathogen levels are reduced and plant nutrients made more readily available, so better crops can be grown while existing resources are conserved. 

Biomass Energy Overview

The confusion about the benefits and hazards of biomass energy is still haunting the human mind. Many are unable to decide whether to use it or to abandon it. I have tried to portray a picture of the biomass power generation system and left the decision to the reader. Now it is up to you that how useful you evaluate this

Wave Power Overview

Waves are a result of the effects of wind on the oceans and seas. This wind originates from the major influx of energy to this planet: solar energy from the sun. The energy contained within waves is around the world is huge; in some places values of 70MW/km of wave front are experienced. In theory it could then be said that huge generating stations could be built which would capture all this energy and supply all or most of our

Tidal Energy Overview

Tidal energy differs from all other energy sources in that the energy is extracted from the potential and kinetic energies of the earth-moon-sun system. The well known ocean tides result from this interaction, producing variations in ocean water levels along the shores of all continents. As the water level fluctuates twice daily